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Get the answers to the questions most asked about the premier WMS and inventory management solution for Salesforce, WAM

WAM WMS for Salesforce FAQ

Start learning about the best WMS on Salesforce now!

General FAQ

What does WAM stand for?

Is Akatia part of Salesforce?

Do I need Salesforce to use WAM?

Do you have special offers for non-profits?

Do we have to use all the features of WAM?

What Salesforce license do I need to access and use WAM?

We’re just beginning to leverage technology; do we have to implement all at once?

Does it take long to implement WAM?

Does Akatia provide training for WAM? How is this done?

General Questions
WAM Product Questions

WAM Product FAQ

How many warehouses can I manage in WAM?

How is WAM integrated with Salesforce?

Can re-order thresholds be set?

Can WAM manage expiration dates?

What sets WAM apart from other solutions?

How is inventory receiving done?

How are orders (shipments/outbounds) processed in WAM?

Can an order be fulfilled by two different warehouses?

Our customers have multiple shipping addresses and business locations, can WAM manage this?

Can WAM handle and create backorders?

Can WAM retrieve carrier rates for shipping?

Can you define locations by type in WAM?

How many users can we have on WAM, are there any limitations?

Can WAM be translated into different languages?

How focused is the reporting and filtering functionality of WAM?

How many WAM Warehouse licenses do I need for our warehouse?

Can we track inventory that is with our manufacturer?

We’re a non-profit; can we relate inventory to our donors for appreciation initiatives?

Can we define product dimensions and weights in WAM?

WAM Mobile Questions

WAM Mobile FAQ

Do you have mobile scanning? How does this work?

Does the WAM Mobile application require a license?

Is the WAM Mobile application compatible with iOS?

Can photos be associated with the inventory, even by mobile scanner?

Can you print labels from WAM Mobile?

We want to be GDPR compliant, does the WAM Mobile application store data?

Can we scan our inventory from a third-party location or warehouse using WAM Mobile?

Technical FAQ

Technical FAQ

How much customization is possible with WAM?

Where is our warehouse data stored?

Are there any limitations on the amount of data stored?

What Salesforce Objects are used by WAM?

We don’t have a physical warehouse, can WAM still be used in this case?

We have the same product coming from multiple vendors, how can we manage this?

Can stakeholders be notified when re-order thresholds are reached?

Can we define information about the inventory stock unit?

How flexible is WAM if received items do not match defined stock unit information?

Can customers place orders for items not currently in stock, or if not enough stock is available?

Can picklists and fields be self-defined?

We want the WAM application to have our company branding for our users, is this possible?

Can an email be sent from WAM to customer say when a receipt or shipment is completed?

Can we add custom fields to track inventory information unique to our business?

Can WAM integrate into our Salesforce sales and CPQ processes?

Can we track, apply, and account for different regional sales taxes?

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